Join Us. Make a Difference. Be a Volunteer. DOWNLOAD DOCUMENT Join Us. Make a Difference. Be a Volunteer. Please take a moment to provide us with some information to register as a volunteer. Kindly fill out the following fields: First Name Last Name Company/Organization Enter your Email Phone Number Location I am a/an: Expert (Physician, PhD, etc) Educator Learner, Mentee and/or Students General Volunteer Initiatives I am interested to participate in: Neurodivergent Expressions, An Annual Art Basel Side Event & Charity Night Program C.A.R.E. (Collaborate to Accelerate Research Excellence). Pro-Bono Clinical Trials Education Africa’s E-Medical University Mini Medical School Delegations European Parliament Meetings Pan African Parliament of the African Union Meetings We Grow United Agricultural Delegations Early Cancer Detection and Research Centre Annual Healthy Equity Summit in Davos Annual Africa’s Health Economics Summit at The Pan-African-Parliament Semi-Annual Health Economics Summit at The Ghana Parliament Health Equity Delegations in Africa Evidence-Based Implementation Research in LMICs Involving Patients in Healthcare Decision Making Deliberations Offering Patients Preferences and What Patients Value Generating Real World Data and Evidence to Inform Policy Message Register Checkout the Events page for more information about a particular event coming up. Join Us. Make a Difference. Be a Volunteer. Please take a moment to provide us with some information to register as a volunteer. Kindly fill out the following fields: First Name Last Name Company/Organization Enter your Email Phone Number Location I am a/an: Expert (Physician, PhD, etc) Educator Learner, Mentee and/or Students General Volunteer Initiatives I am interested to participate in: Divergent Expressions / Art Basel Program C.A.R.E. Mini Medical Schools European Parliament Meetings Pan African Parliament of the African Union Meetings We Grow United Other Checkout the Events page for more information about a particular event coming up. Message Register