Travel Recommendations: Please keep in mind that the standard drive from Lenzerheide to Davos takes ~45mins. Travel times may be delayed further by additional traffic and security checks in Davos. Please plan accordingly and try to arrive well in advance of the events you will be speaking on or attending.
Shuttle Service Options: We understand that transit options can be difficult and/or expensive for the WEF. We have attempted to provide you with significantly more convenient and affordable options, but also request that users of the shuttle service contribute to offset a portion of the cost. We have provided two shuttle service options below for your consideration. Please let us know if you would like to opt into one of the two shuttle options.
– Full Shuttle Service – 430 CHF ($500) for unlimited shuttle service, tax included. Equivalent to 43 CHF per ride for 5 days x 2 rides per day. Intended for speakers who will be joining us for 3+ days of the event
– Single Day Service – 150 CHF ($175) per single day departure and return shuttle. Equivalent to 75 CHF per ride for 1 day x 2 rides. Intended for speakers who will be joining us for 1 – 2 days, or require additional day-to-day flexibility with shuttle use
– Alternative Taxi / Uber – For reference, a one way taxi between Lenzerheide and Davos during the WEF can cost between 235 – 400 CHF per ride and can be difficult to find a driver during peak travel times. We strongly recommend against this option.
Seat Availability: Shuttle seats for each time slot are limited, though we will do our best to accommodate each individual’s preference.